Our sliding scale ticketing is designed to ensure you can access our Wednesday Collage Club workshops regardless of your financial circumstances. Each ticket option includes a short description to help you decided which ticket is right for you and your circumstances.  We do not receive funding or sponsorship (is this something you want to help us with?) for these workshops and we only have limited amount for each ticket option.

£10 Ticket

I frequently stress about meeting basic needs* and don’t always achieve them. I am unemployed or low income. I have no or very limited expendable income**. I live in social housing or have unstable housing. I have no access to savings. I use food banks. I can’t always afford public transport. I can’t take a holiday or time off.

£15 Ticket

I may stress about meeting my basics needs* but I mostly achieve them. I have some debt but it does not stop me meeting my basic needs*. I am employed. I might have access to savings. I can afford public transport / petrol. I rent or live in affordable housing. I have some expendable income**. I can take holidays sometimes.

£20 Ticket

I am able to meet my basic needs*. I may have some debt but it does not stop me meeting my basic needs*. I have expendable income**. I rent or own my home. I can buy new items. I can afford a car, public + private transport. I can afford to take a holiday or to take time off.

£25 Ticket

I am able to meet my basic needs* and I am happy to contribute toward the ticket costs of others and the studio’s program. I may have some debt but it does not stop me meeting my basic needs*. I have expendable income**. I rent or own my home. I can buy new items. I can afford a car, public + private transport. I can afford to take a holiday or to take time off.

* BASIC NEEDS include food, housing, clothing and transportation.

**EXPENDABLE INCOME might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a cafe, buy new clothes, books and similar items each month, etc.

This sliding scale model has been adapted from the Scottish Queer International Film Festival and The Working Theater. Our sliding scale ticketing was last updated in April 2024.